Mansfield Park and U.S. Hockey 1980

Dear Anthony, Have received a very lovely thank you communication and happy to report that your requestor was amused by the romance novels and also appreciative of the Silko novel and for the tea and chocolate. Enclosed for your hockey fan please find the book: Boys of Winter, which chronicles the United States ice hockey team’s path to the Olympic gold medal in 1980. And may not have mentioned it but I’m from a hockey town, in fact the 1980 team captain came from our town, and still lives here. If you send me your squad member’s name — will try to obtain an autographed photo for him.

As for Fanny she wasn’t sent away to Mansfield Park because she was a bad child. Many families on the poorer side had many children and they would often send the children away to live with relatives with more money especially if those relatives did not have children of their own. This actually happened in Austen’s own family, one of her brothers was sent to live away and then was adopted by some wealthy cousins. Years later, Jane, her mother and sister Cassandra were able to live on a cottage of one his estates – similar but not exactly like the Dashwoods’ circumstances Sense and Sensibility. Hope you are well, Janine